Empower Children
Inspire parents to teach children age 0-18, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
STEM Education 

STEM discoveries are changing every day, shaping our future, and touches all aspects of our lives and careers. Teaching these skills early to our children gives them the advantage in any path they take.
Balance Left and Right Brain

Logic and arts are representing the left and right brain. Learn the simple secret to adding more balance to the brain for its optimal performance and creativity.

Healthy Living

How to live a healthy life for the wealth of the family. After all, we have to take care of ourselves to be able to take care of others. Live today for a better tomorrow and the future.

New Books
The Truth About Finding Joy in the darkness

The Truth About Finding Joy in the Darkness is an epic collaboration between nineteen women spanning four decades of wisdom. These women have faced crippling circumstances but somehow found joy in and through them.

If you are ready to be inspired in a way you never thought possible, then this book is for you. From multi-millionaires to stay-at-home moms, the stories in this book will inspire you to believe you were made for more. Overcoming darkness, whether through illness, loss, violence, or grief, means that you are a conqueror, and we celebrate you. May the stories in this collaboration remind you that you are never alone.


© Shamila Amarasekera